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Track Listing:
1. When I Sing (3:25)*  Play
2. Holding Out for You (4:00)
3. Keep Lightin’ That Fire (3:55)
4. Day by Day (4:42)
5. Golan Boys (4:01)*  Play
6. Running Back to Her (3:56)
7. House Up On the Hill (4:58)
8. Can’t Go Home (3:20)*  Play
9. When Life Explodes (3:59)
10. One Step Closer to the Light (2:52)
11. Wings for the Sky (4:45)*  Play
12. Do I Love You (4:05)
Releases: Tangible Records (CD: TR 102)
Band Members: Bill Henderson: guitar, piano, vocals*
Shari Ulrich: piano, violin, mandolin, vocals
Roy Forbes: guitar, vocals
Produced By: UHF & Claire Lawrence
Album Notes: Recorded at Mushroom Studios, Vancouver, Canada
Engineer: Rolf Hennemann
Assistant Engineer: Marc L’Esperance
Digital Editing: Gary Heald